

  As we know our brain is divided into two hemisphere, the left hemispere and the right one. Some of us tend to make a better use of their right hemispheres while others tend to make a better use of their left one. Despite eache hemispheres has its own functions however both types of people don’t use their FULL brain SO they’re not USING their FULL POWER.
For me, a brain is an ultimate computer, by training yourself on thinking using both logic and intuition (Left), visualization and reasoning (Right) you will be able to make a better use of it.
Here is some functions of both hemisperes:
  • Functions of the left hemisperes:
  1. Uses LOGIC
  2. Detail oriented
  3. Facts rule
  4. words and language
  5. present and past
  6. Math and science
  7. Knowing
  8. Knows object name
  9. Reality based
  10. Safe
  • Functions of the right hemisperes:
  1. Uses feeling
  2. Big picture oriented
  3. Imagination rules
  4. Symbols and images
  5. Present and future
  6. Philosophy and religion
  7. Believes
  8. Knows object function
  9. Fantasy based
  10. Risk taking
It’s easy to identify “Left brain” types who are very ORDERLY and the “Right brain” types who areCREATIVE. So, Our personality can be thought of as a result of the degree to which these left and right brains interact, or, in some cases, do not interact.

 So, What you should do in order to USE BOTH SIDES of your BRAIN?

If you are left brained:
  1. Avoid using logic only.
  2. Use images and visualization
  3. Listen to music while reading
  4. Try to find any hobby that requires creativity
  5. Break the routine
If you are right brained:
  1. Try to get deeper into details
  2. Plan for your life
  3. play complex games
  4. work with numbers
  Finally, when the both sides of your brain work together on a common goal, magical things tend to happen. The reason those magical things don’t happen more often may be because your brains are in conflict with each other. Bringing them together in a common direction may be all you need to do to get things moving in your life moving in the direction of your goals.

2 commentaires:

  1. Thank you for information but How we can kknow if we are left or right brained ?

    1. You are welcome. Read the functions of the right hemispere and the left one again, you will get it.
